CC0 DAO Launches | { The CC0 Re-Factory }
CC0 DAO is excited to announce the launch of our first minting interface! Members of the DAO are able to create and mint CC0 content directly to the on-chain storehouse — { The CC0 Re-Factory }.
👉 Join the DAO & Mint to the Re-Factory here at 👈
If you are interested to join CC0 DAO, check out the documentation and message in the #cc0 channel in the DIGITALAX discord!
{ The CC0 Re-Factory } is a recursive amplifier for the production, creation and on-chain storage and distribution of digital-physical CC0 content.
This curated gallery emerges over time into a fully interactive virtual and IRL open content generation lab. The content serves as both source and derivative material for continuously enhanced fabrication.
All minted objects are also indexed in the CC0 DAO Github archive for easy access to the source and render files.
This initiative is part of a macro-mission of the DAO to bring the CC0 Revolution to the masses and provide more direct on-ramps for the source and derivative generation of high quality CC0 content.
Minted works aren’t just for display, but over time serve as decentralised neo aqueducts for capital and supply.
Stay on the lookout for surprising and high profile collaborations as we launch the DAO’s first direct immersive gallery, lab, marketplace hybrid experiences.